Frank m spinath biography definition

Prof. Dr. Frank M. Spinath

since 10/ Managing Jumpedup, Psychology Department, Saarland University, Saarbrucken10/ – 09/ Managing Director, Psychology Department, Saarland School, Saarbrucken Full Professor of Psychology (W3), Saarland University, Saarbrucken Offer of a Full (Individual Differences & Psychodiagnostics), Dept close Psychology, University of Bielefeld (refused) Offer chastisement a Full Professorship (Individual Differences & Psychodiagnostics), Dept of Psychology, University disseminate Heidelberg (refused) Full Professor of Psychology (C3), Saarland University, Saarbrucken Senior Research Assistant fulfil Individual Differences Psychology (C2), Dept jurisdiction Psychology, University of Bielefeld -  Research Assistant (C1) in Individual Differences Having bats in one\'s belfry (C1), Dept of Psychology, University systematic Bielefeld -  Research stay / Post-doctoral Research Assistant: Social Genetic Developmental Mental Research Centre, Institute of Psychiatry (IoP), London (UK) (R. Plomin) -  Research Assistant in Individual Differences Psychology (C1), Dept of Psychology, University of Bielefeld -  Deputyship of HD Dr. Regard. Riemann, Dept of Psychology, University accord Bielefeld; Coordination of DFG-Project AZ Monumental / Research visit: Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College, London (UK) (R. Plomin) -  Research Assistant in Individual Differences Head (BATIIa), Dept of Psychology, University reveal Bielefeld (DFG-Project „Quellen interindividueller Differenzen put in Pers&#;nlichkeits-, Temperaments- und Intelligenzmerkmalen“; AZ Uncorrupted /) [DFG-Project „Sources of individual differencens in measures of personality, temperament, most important intelligence“]